Asimov’s Robots

michael whelan_isaac asimov_the caves of steel

The Caves of Steel
Michael Whelan
Acryic, 18 x 30 in

michael whelan_isaac asimov_the naked sun

The Naked Sun
Michael Whelan
Acryic, 18 x 30 in

michael whelan_isaac asimov_the robots of dawn

Giskard (The Robots of Dawn)
Michael Whelan
Acryic on watercolor board, 18 x 28 in

michael whelan_isaac asimov_robots and empire

Robots & Empire
Michael Whelan
Acryic, 20 x 32 in

George Barr, Dungeon Master

George Barr has been a staple among the Science Fiction and Fantasy artist community and has had his work featured on the covers of many illustrious authors, such as Isaac Asimov and Robert A. Heinlein. Barr’s work has been printed in numerous supplements of Dragonlance Adventures, the Dungeon Master’s Design Kit, as well as Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Gamebooks.